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Tajikistan. The truth is deadly for Kabiri! Or who is Dodojon Atovulloev and those who hated him, - S. Mirzorahmatov
Илова кард: adminn24-12-2018, 18:42Асоси
"Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good”, - Mahatma Gandhi.
The shock of Muhiddin Kabiri and his propagandists after the exposing publication of Dodojon entitled "Kavanda” – "Wicker basket” (FB page, D.A. November 4th, 2018) did not last long. But helped them get out of this state and start a new campaign of terror against Dodojon, his next publication "Tawba” – "Repentance” (FB page, D.A., November 29th, 2018).
The repentance of Dodojon is the act of the Citizen and the Patriot! Recognizing his guilt share in the Tajik tragedy of 1992, he repented before the memory of 150,000 victims.
And this act is a moral example for all participants of the tragic events of the early 90s. The organizers of the rally elements in 90-91s in Kurgan-Tube, which in 92 spread to Dushanbe Square and split Tajikistan into two irreconcilable camps, should repent. The organizers of the Popular Front and all indifferent CONFRONTATION observers in two squares - Shahidon and Ozodi, should repent. This CONFRONTATION led eventually to a bloody massacre.
Among the liars of Kabiri Temur Varaqi was the first to think: it is necessary to distort the content of this publication and present it as repentance before the Tajik authorities. The very next day, materials similar in content appeared on all Kabiri websites - Dodojon repented! So he sold to the Government of Tajikistan! We write all time about Dodojon - dirty, but few people believe! Now everyone must believe! Dodojon himself, repenting, confessed it!
And once he repented and sold himself, it means that he must continue to decry, slander, mix his name with dirt, and to create an image of an outcast in his face in Tajik society. Parallelly, it is necessary to terrorize "Stalinist”, "Communist”, "atheist”, "Marxist”, "fitnagar – provocateur”, "marasmatist” Salomiddin Mirzorahmatov, throwing him caricatures. But what if he gets nervous and says, "Yah you!” and shut up. These idiots still do not understand that by spreading caricatures about me, they dramatically increased the number of people who despise Kabiri and his servants. Who would believe such nonsense that someone protects my business in Kazakhstan? Sirs idiots! In Kazakhstan, business is protected from arbitrariness by the laws of this country, and not by special services!
The same Temur is doing well in this dirty campaign: "I had to save this, this ... (i.e., Dodojon - S.M.) more than once when they allegedly (?!) attempted, when supposedly (?!) were going to extradite him from Moscow airport to Dushanbe upon his arrival (?) from Germany. The last time, when he allegedly (?!) was detained at Tbilisi airport. I was recently told (?!) that he did not fly there”.
Temur also said: "Then I was told (?!) that he had an attack of appendicitis”. It is about the "alleged attempt” - S.M.”.
I have repeatedly called Temur a moral freak. But I was wrong. Only three times a moral freak can brazenly, cynically and shamelessly lie, knowing in advance that could easily be exposed in a lie. How did the "omnipotent” Temur save Dodojon from the attempt, if there was no such attempt? There was no attempt to deport Dodojon from Moscow to Dushanbe, but Temur saved him again. How? At that time, did he work as the FSB Director or as the Russian Prosecutor General?
When Temur was cornered on all sides by facts, publications of Russian publications, including authoritative political scientist Arkady Dubnov, Temur called for help from another three times moral freak Oleg Sandro Panfilov.
Oleg: "This (i.e., Arkady Dubnov - S.M.) is his propaganda buddy”. Temur: "Arkady (i.e. Arkady Dubnov - S.M.) is an omnivorous propagandist who usually wrote from the words of Dodik.”
Temur: "Oleg, comrade is interested in history at the Tbilisi airport”.
Oleg: "Comrade Dodik was on the Interpol red list, included there by Tajikistan - there was a formality in Tbilisi - was detained and released ... but the hero wanted fame”.
Temur is upset! His closest friend in moral ugliness exposed him in a lie and confirmed that Dodojon still flew to Tbilisi! But so that Temur would not be offended, he added a phrase to the account of heroism. According to the logic of Oleg, Dodojon specially flew to Tbilisi and at the airport asked the Georgian special services to detain him for at least one hour in order to become famous.
Hi Oleg! You are still alive? I thought after my publication (FB page, Politics is a business, September 4th, 2017), where you were disgraced to the whole world, you hanged yourself! Indeed, leopard cannot change his spots.!
I will no longer prove that Temur is lying. I attached to this material the publications of various editions about the attempt on Dodojon, about the attempt to deport him to Tajikistan, about the detention at the airport in Tbilisi. On the background of these publications, the vile image of Temur and similar liars of Kabiri looms even clearer.
The truth about Muhiddin Kabiri is deadly for him! So the only way out for his servants is to constantly save Muhiddin from this deadly truth. And for this they need to morally terrorize those who write this TRUTH about him and silence them. Decrying whistleblowers, at least temporarily, but you can divert attention from yourself.
Murder will out. New facts of his close ties with Tajik special services in the recent past are emerging. It turns out that, before his escape from Tajikistan, Kabiri had a four-hour conversation by his own admission. He does not disclose the details of this conversation. One can only guess what the main "Islamist” of Tajikistan was talking about. Probably he discussed the instructions on safety, agreed passwords and appearances abroad.
The main moral freak in the bubble-like Alliance is Muhiddin himself. He had to hang himself after the exposing articles of Dodojon in the last two months. And he just felt bad for a few days. He came to himself and ordered to keep saving him from the TRUTH.
All Kabiri’s propaganda is based on lies. And therefore the ranks of his Alliance filled up with people of very dubious reputation. For some time now a mysterious figure flashes around the deceitful Alliance - Humayro Bakhtiyor. When she arrived in Germany, Tajik journalists wrote about her as a journalist pursued by the Tajik authorities. Humayro sharply denied this message and stated that she had come to Germany to study. Journalists had to apologize to her. But more recently, in her interview on the Kimiyoi Saodat website, she introduced herself as an opposition figure. I am not a member of the Alliance, she said, I am separately in the opposition. As in the favorite Soviet cartoon Prostokvashino: "I am a cat, I am on my own!” Meanwhile, Humayro is an active participant in all Kabiri’s events. Muhiddin himself invented for her the status of "Khohar Humayro” (Sister Humayro) to hide his mysterious relationship with the young "refugee”.
I have written many times about my disagreement with Dodojon on many issues. That’s why, we often have heated debates. I am a principled opponent of Dodojon - idealist.
But today I am in one rank with Dodojon just because that HE is one with complete indifference almost the entire Tajik intelligentsia has declared on the fanatical and bloodthirsty force, which for some reason is called the Islamic Party.
This is that party, which in the early 90s trampled Islamic values in Dushanbe squares.
This is that party, which in the spring of 1992 declared itself as a terrorist organization on the Shahidon square. Warlike Mujahideen, beating dissenters, led them to the square.
This is that party, which with its aggressiveness and intransigence united all regions of Tajikistan against people of Tavildara, Rasht, Badakhshan and provoked the creation of the People's Front.
And today after a failed coup d'état attempt in September 2015, this party plans to import another bloody revolution into Tajikistan under the mask of a National (?!) Alliance and by order of its Iranian masters.
Muhiddin Kabiri is well aware that the next revolution similar to the bloody massacre of 1992 is a catastrophe - Tajikistan will turn into Afghanistan. But he cannot abandon this monstrous scheme for two reasons:
1. For 26 years, Iranian secret services have been financing the project "Import of revolution” 
2. This project made Muhiddin one of the richest citizens of Tajikistan.
How can you abandon a project that has not yet been implemented, but brings high incomes?
Muhiddin, his bribed journalists and other writing creatures hated Dodojon, because he regularly exposes their true goals.
Dodojon is hated by substitutes of the Tajik intelligentsia (expression of Alexander Solzhenitsyn), who secretly support Muhiddin Kabiri, urging European Tajiks to unite around him, while themselves remaining behind the curtain. Persuade Dodojon to join him too, they trumpet from time to time by telephone, and if he does not want to, at least not touch him, Muhiddin is a good man!
Dodojon is hated by Muhiddin and the substitutes taken together for their clear civil position - if he has to choose between the Government and the Islamic Party, then he chooses the Government.
Hundreds of thousands of Tajiks who know firsthand about the Tajik tragedy of 1992, including those who cannot be suspected of sympathizing with the current authorities, think namely so.
P.S. While I was writing this material, I was haunted by the feeling of guilt before the dogs. In a previous publication on FB page on November 26, 2018, I twice insulted these beautiful animals, by reminding the meanness, deceit, and cynicism of Mirzo Salimpur and other Kabiri’s propagandists
"How not to remember the coarse Tajik proverb - I raised a puppy, and he bit my leg.”
And again: "Dodojon and Kabiri’s propagandists remind of just such a scene - a passer-by and a street dog. Seeing a passer-by, the dog barks.
A passer-by or does not pay attention to the dog or slightly scare it: get out! And the dog immediately rushes to run, not stopping to bark. "
Dogs are loyal animals. Unlike Mirzo Salimpur, Temur Varaqi, Ravshani Temuriyon and other evil spirits that had gathered around Kabiri for a piece of bread, they are not capable of meanness and treachery.
Dear dogs! Forgive me! I have slandered and humiliated you! You are better than all the scumbags, whom I have listed.

Salomiddin Mirzorahmatov
Source - CentrAsia

Маълумот !
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