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Tajikistan Is the Second Safest Country in the World
Илова кард: adminn25-11-2019, 16:48Асоси

On November 7, the Gullup Institute released its new research report, based on a survey of 152,000 people from 142 countries.

According to the report, Tajikistan ranks  second among the top ten safest countries in the world.

Singapore is in first place and the United Arab Emirates ranks third. Next on the list and therefore the next safest countries are Norway, Turkmenistan, Switzerland, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Finland, China, Denmark and Austria.

More than 1,000 people were interviewed in each country to determine the level of trust its residents place on the police and how safe they feel at night. The interviewees were also asked about whether they were ever attacked on the streets or ever fell victim to theft in the last 12 months.

According to the survey’s results, Afghanistan stand in last place after Venezuela.


Маълумот !
Истифодабарандагони мехмон, (Гости), андешаи худро гузошта наметавонанд.
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